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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November 29 Update: A Message from Mr. Battle

November 29, 2017
Hello Parents,

One of the joys of being part of an ensemble is all the wonderful opportunities that are available to sing in such an artistic community. The show with the Boonslick Chordbusters is a great opportunity for the students to sing at the Missouri Theater and share their wonderful music again. It should be openly stated that the show is titled “Kickin’ It Back for Christmas”. The Chordbuster Chorus has invited the Honors Choir to be a guest on their show. If you have further questions about the nature of the show, please email Mr. Battle directly at

Concerning logistics, students should be shepherded to the side—stage door between new Shakespeare’s Pizza and the theater. Families simply need to watch their kid enter the door, then hurry to the lobby to get good seats! The backstage area is tiny, I would ask that we minimize the number of humans in this space. Every family will be given two comp tickets to get into the show for free. Any additional ticket can be purchased for $10 at the door. Children under 12 are free.

The show tends to be very light hearted in nature and full of fun. The HC will sing four songs as part of their set, then close the show at the end by singing Peace, Peace with the Chordbusters adding Silent Night on the tail end. Again, this is not a show produced by Columbia Public Schools and we are guests on the show.

Before the last tune of the night, I will elaborately explain the student retrieval process. I think this is all! Thank you all for your support this year thus far. I have argued that this is the hardest working choir in mid-Missouri and it is all because of your wonderful support and kindness.

Robert E. Battle

Vocal Music Specialist
CPS 5th Grade Honors Choir
John B. Lange Middle School

2201 Smiley Lane
Columbia, MO 65201